Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Virgin Birth (of a blogger)!

The Virgin Birth (of a blogger)!

It is with trepidation and fear that I step into the blogosphere and venture into this unknown territory. I have been published in many and various places including a poem, a book review (which I receiver remuneration for) in scholarly journals, an on-line article and a book review, an article for a para-church organization and several “Letters to the Editor” for newspaper opinion pages (a hobby I indulged in during seminary). In each instance there was a backstop, a review, someone who had the final say in what was printed and disseminated to the public. This instilled confidence that what I wrote was approved by others for others. While the ideas were mine, the spelling errors were corrected, the facts were checked, poor grammar exposed and rewritten. Here there is no such luxury, no such filter; no such chance to make sure what is written is okay for public consumption. (I am sure my wife will have input if I let her!) My computer only has spell check and that cannot go far enough. It does however help expose silly mistakes. This is one of the problems of the Internet and web postings. Ability and responsibility are out the window and anyone can become an “expert” authority on anything just because they say so.

I am not sure that I have the qualities necessary for a successful blogger. I know I will have to rely on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for future contributions. I also know that, as with the Virgin Birth, the Holy Spirit is able to use fertile ground to make things happen. We serve a God who has limitless abilities. It is even more reassuring to me that the Holy Spirit can also use barren territory to bring forth life. Elizabeth, John’s the Baptists’ mother comes to mind as well as Hannah, Samuel’s mother. And Sarah was no spring chicken when Isaac was born either. While I have no illusions that this virgin birth will change the history of the world, I do hope that this will stimulate interest in people’s spiritual life. More importantly, I hope this will lead to increasing awareness of the need for Jesus Christ in our lives as Lord and Savior, as well as, living out our faith in an increasingly hostile culture. I will tend to come at this from an Anglican perspective, though not always. This will not limit the scope of topics. I do not believe that Anglicanism is the only route to heaven. Although, I am fairly sure that entrance into heaven will be alphabetical so we Anglicans will be near the front of the line!

My hope and prayer for "Unapologetically Anglican" is that it will contribute to lives of believers in a positive way and make in an impact for the kingdom of God. After, He is the Lord of Life! Thanks for joining me and may we all be blessed by the effort.

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